Coaxial Lightning Surge Protector

Product Image (N M TO N F GT SA 6GHZ)

6GHZ Coaxial Connector

Price: 450 INR/Piece

Characteristic Impedance 50 ohm Frequency Range DC- 3 GHz VSWR 1.3 Insertion Loss 0.2dB Gas tube element:DC spark-over voltages (at 100V/s)indicated 9020V (Choose according to subscriber requirement) 15020V

Product Image (F M TO F F GT SA 3GHZ)

3GHZ Coaxial Connector

Price: 350 INR/Piece

Characteristic Impedance 50 ohm Frequency Range DC- 3 GHz VSWR 1.3 Insertion Loss 0.5dB Gas tube element:DC spark-over voltages 100V/s)indicated (at 100V/s)indicated 9020V 15020V 230 20V Maximum impluse discharge current 5KA(8/20 s) 10KA(8/20s) 20 KA(8/20s


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